Daiya's adherence to the morning meeting system strengthens employees' purpose

Author: Andy Zhang     Publish Time: 22-05-2023      Origin: https://www.dygoldenrose.com/news.html

Daiya's adherence to the morning meeting system strengthens employees' purpose

Morning meetings are an important part of the formal development of the company 

as it provides a platform for team members. 

Daiya organizes the employees of the Gold Rose Craft Workshop and the Rose

 Jewelry Workshop together every Monday for a morning meeting. 

It brings everyone together to discuss any issues or challenges that the company faced in the last week's work. 

They can share their ideas, update their progress and set goals for the week or month ahead. 

Sticking to such morning meetings helps ensure that everyone is on the same page 

and working toward the same goals,

 which is essential to the successful growth of the business.
