Daiya warehouse girls carefully pack gold roses for customers

Author: Andy Zhang     Publish Time: 19-05-2023      Origin: https://www.dygoldenrose.com/news.html

Daiya warehouse girls carefully pack gold roses for customers

The warehouse was so quiet you could hear the birds singing on the branches outside as Rose Li, 

the kind little girl, worked diligently to pack red 24-carat gold roses for customers. 

Her movements are graceful and subdued, far removed from her age, 

as she carefully holds and squeezes the gold roses and gently places them in the glass bags. 

As she works, her co-workers watch her with admiring eyes, 

her name a reminder of the hard work and dedication she puts into her work. 

She smiles and hums a tune as she works,

 her cheerful attitude bringing joy from the serenity of the warehouse.
